Monday, December 13, 2010

January 18, 2011 - Save the Date

Mark January 18, 2011 on your calendars for the 2011 May-Investments annual Economic Forecast luncheon.  We've outgrown Bookcliff Country Club and have moved this year's lunch to the Doubletree Hotel.  We hope to see you, between 11:45am and noon, and we look forward to getting back out the door no later than 1:30pm.

This year's invitations are being sent primarily to clients and readers of the monthly eMag, so please encourage friends to sign up for the eMag distribution list so they don't miss out.

We have a lot to announce on the 18th.  Hope to see you there!
 Douglas B. May, CFA, is President of May-Investments, LLC and author of Investment Heresies .